Cal. Assemblyman - Mike Garrick


January 26, 2012

John Laird
California Natural Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re:       Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Project Environmental Impact Report Completion

Dear Mr. Laird,

As the California State Assemblyman representing Oceanside, Carlsbad and six other North San Diego County communities, I remain committed to do whatever I can to protect and enhance our region’s natural resources.  For this reason, I respectfully write in support of the cities I proudly represent and their efforts to ensure a complete Environmental Impact Report (EIR) detailing the restoration alternatives for the Buena Vista Lagoon is expedited.

Of California’s 29 estuaries, it was the Buena Vista Lagoon that was first designated as an Ecological Reserve. Unquestionably, the Buena Vista Lagoon is regarded as a treasure among citizens residing in North San Diego County. Over that past several years, a number of Resource Agencies at the federal and state level have initiated studies for a major lagoon restoration project.  These agencies have worked diligently on the project with the Cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad and many interested citizens and environmental organizations.

While considerable resources were initially devoted to the restoration efforts, the lack of an EIR report stalled the process. However, now that funds have been allocated for an EIR, stakeholders are anxious to get the results.  Sadly, the Buena Vista Lagoon remains in a degraded state and this report is an essential component to determine the best method of fixing it. 

There is strong indication that the Buena Vista Lagoon is a possible mitigation for a Caltrans Interstate 5 Widening project.  In fact, Caltrans has already identified significant impacts to the lagoon and others. Preliminary restoration estimates range from $60-$120 million.  Mitigation funds are likely to be marked for lagoon projects, but only if the timing of these projects are aligned.  If the projects don’t move in a parallel fashion, mitigation funds would likely be allocated to other projects.

I trust the California Natural Resources Agency will give its utmost to complete the EIR report on the Buena Vista Lagoon in an efficient and expedited manner.  Given the broad support this lagoon restoration plan has garnered and the extensive resources already expended on its behalf, this project is significant and warrants priority consideration.  To that end, I ask for your assistance in expediting the EIR endeavor.   

I appreciate your time and attention to this matter and am especially interested in knowing the approximate date the completed report is expected.  I invite you to contact me at 760-929-7998 at any time.


Martin Garrick
Assembly Republican Leader Emeritus

City of Oceanside – Council Members, City Manager, City Attorney
City of Carlsbad- Council Members, City Manager, City Attorney
City of Vista – Council Members, City Manager, City Attorney
California Department of Fish & Game
California Coastal Commission
California Coastal Conservancy
Parks & Recreation Dept – Chris Hazeltine
Caltrans – Laurie Berman